The Jefferson Center is so thankful for our school adopters who support and encourage special activities to meet the diverse needs of the students, parents and staff at the Jefferson DAEP and SAC.

Beltway Park Church Women’s Ministry treated the Jefferson staff and the SAC students and their parents to a wonderful Thanksgiving feast on November 8. The Student Achievement Center (SAC) is an alternative program where staff works with students in small groups on improving their classroom behavior and social skills to help them be successful on their home campuses. The staff, students and their parents were delighted with the sit-down Thanksgiving meal while visiting with Jefferson staff members and administrators. Thank you to the Beltway ministry for supporting our programs at Jefferson throughout the year.

Aldersgate Methodist Women’s Ministry, who also supports the Jefferson programs in many ways, contributed to a DAEP Parent Forum on December , by providing a light supper and refreshments.  The DAEP Principal, Barbara Massey, and her DAEP Morale Committee organized this forum for DAEP students and their parents.  “Chip” Townsend, founder of TEAM CHIP, was the keynote speaker. Other forum presenters included Ms. Massey, Ralph Kantor, Susan Cronan, Stan Levrets, Patrick Desso and Mrs. Townsend.

Jefferson says thank you to the Aldersgate ministry for providing the meal and offering other supports for the students, teachers and staff at the DAEP and SAC.