Jackson Students Hands InJackson Buffaloes are stomping through year three of Leader in Me! In addition to academics, students are learning to become leaders who are more independent and take ownership of their own learning. From classroom and schoolwide leadership roles to the Student Lighthouse Team, opportunities for student voice and leadership are available to all students.

The Student Lighthouse Team (SLT) has been going strong and includes 17 leaders from all grade levels with nine new faces added this school year. To be selected for the Student Lighthouse Team, students must exhibit outstanding leadership qualities, including good citizenship, integrity, strong work ethic, positive attitude, and must practice the seven habits and uphold the rules of Jackson in a respectful manner. The team meets regularly to assist with planning our six-weeks Leader in Me pep rallies and other activities to enhance our students and school.

spotlight Jackson studentsAn important focus of the team is building a positive culture at Jackson. Team members took on several responsibilities at Leadership Night, have led monthly campus College Day tours, prepared our six-weeks V.I.P. lunch for excellent cafeteria leaders, and have been working on creating brochures to give to new students who enroll during the school year.

When asked why the team chose the brochure project, 2nd grade SLT member Kinslee Wideman said, “Some kids come to our school and don’t know anything about it or what we do here.”

Fourth grade SLT member Faith Tedford says the project is important, “so people who are new feel welcome and know their way around school.”

The Jackson Student Lighthouse Team Mission Statement is “The Student Lighthouse Team will use the seven habits to work together to solve big problems. We will be a good example for others. The Student Lighthouse Team will be kind to people, be welcoming, be good, help the school get better, and be thankful.”

Jackson Buffaloes are determined to connect, LEAD, and succeed!