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Procedures when health/medical assistance is needed for CFI students.

  • The nurse of record is the Bowie Elementary nurse.
    Lauren Harvey, Nurse
    325-671-4770 ext. 3050
  • Emergency cards will be kept by the nurse of Bowie Elementary and the CFI classroom teacher.
  • All meds/basic treatments will be administered by the CFI classroom teacher.  The meds are to be kept in a locked cabinet in the classroom with the teacher in possession of the key.  The parents must bring the meds to the teacher in their original labeled container.  If a parent wishes for Tylenol or any other over-the-counter medicine to be given to a student, they must bring the medicine in its original labeled container marked with the student’s name.  These meds will be given after permission is obtained from the parent by the teacher. No student will be allowed to keep medication with them.
  • The Bowie nurse will furnish a classroom first aid kit and basic treatment aides to the teacher. (i.e. antacid for mild upset stomach or peroxide to clean a cut)
  • The teacher will document when a student receives meds.
  • In the event simple treatment (i.e. minor cut, scrapes, bump on head) is needed, the teacher will clean, ice, or use a band-aid.  The teacher will then call the Bowie Elementary nurse and the parent. If the student needs to be seen by the nurse, the nurse will come to the CFI to provide care for the child.
  • In the event of a major emergency, 911 will be called, and the teacher will use the walkie-talkie to alert McMurry security.  Security will find the McMurry nurse who will provide care until the 911 emergency personnel or Bowie nurse can reach the campus.  The teacher will also alert the Bowie nurse and Bowie principal. The Bowie nurse will immediately come to the CFI to assist in the care of the child.