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Safety & Security Information

At Abilene ISD, providing instruction in a safe and secure environment is a top priority. We appreciate the full assistance of parents. Here are some tips that, with your partnership, will help keep our students safe:

Abilene Fire & Police Please do not drop off students before school opens unless they are meeting a coach, teacher, principal or other campus supervisor.

All students, staff, volunteers and parents must wear their badges in plain sight at all times when on our campuses. We appreciate your cooperation and patience when checking in at the school office and undergoing a vetting process.

Parents who need to reach their children during the school hours must check in at the school office. Parents and visitors should be prepared to leave their photo identification with school office staff until their visit is complete. EX: If you need to bring something to your child, please come to the front office to make arrangements. Do not meet your child at the curb or outside the school. This raises concerns for those that do not know that you are the student’s parent.

It is important that all visitors, including parents, use the main entrance when entering the school. Using the main entrance helps the campus personnel know who is on campus while also making sure visitors go through a background check. Parents should help reinforce with their children to never open a door and let a stranger in the school building.

Parents are encouraged to visit with their children about school safety and the importance of informing school officials of any safety concerns such as strangers on campus or bullying. In addition, parents can assist in creating a safe school environment by being active in their child’s education and getting acquainted with campus staff including their child’s teacher. The better we know each other and the more we look out for each other, the safer our campuses will be.

During an emergency response, AISD campus personnel will be devoting their full attention toward the safety of our students. Staff may not be in a position to immediately field incoming telephone calls and parents/guardians arriving unannounced at campus. At these times, we ask that parents/guardians refrain from telephoning the school or showing up on campus in an attempt to obtain information or to pick up your student. First responders may already be on scene and the presence of parents/guardians would divert the attention and resources of our first responders away from protecting our students. As soon as information is made available to us, we will attempt to keep parents/guardians informed through the districts regular communications resources.



Information and guidelines to follow in case of a school or community emergency:

Abilene Independent School District takes the safety of all students very seriously.  In the event of an emergency or disaster situation, our school has two goals:

  1. To ensure the safety of our students and staff.
  2. To ensure parents and the community are informed within a timely manner with accurate information.

SAFETY STEPS Here are some of the things we are doing to keep our students safe:

  • Evacuation, reverse evacuation, severe weather, fire, shelter, and active threat drills are conducted throughout the school year.
  • Every campus has an emergency response plan in connection with our local police, fire and medical services and other responding agencies.
  • Classroom teachers and staff have been trained in our emergency response procedures to include training received from the Abilene Police and Fire Departments and there is a quick reference guide in each classroom.
  • All visitors on campus must check in, provide ID, be screened and wear a visitor badge.
  • All volunteers must go through a criminal background check. For more information on volunteering, please visit the “Parents” section of www.abileneisd.org.
  • Visitors and volunteers are required to wear their badges in plain sight at all times when on campus.


In the event of an emergency, AISD campuses will utilize one or more of the following action plans.

“Get Inside. Lock Outside Doors”

Students are trained to:

  • Return to inside of building
  • Do business as usual

Teachers and staff are trained to:

  • Recover students and staff from outside building
  • Increased situational awareness
  • Take roll, account for students
  • Do business as usual

Locks, Lights, Out of Sight”


Students are trained to:

  • Move away from sight
  • Maintain silence

Teachers and staff are trained to:

  • Recover students from hallway if it is safe to do so
  • Lock classroom door
  • Lights out
  • Move away from sight
  • Maintain silence
  • Do not open the door

To a location”


Students are trained to:

  • Leave stuff behind
  • If possible, bring their phone
  • Form a single file line

Teachers and staff are trained to:

  • Grab roll sheet if possible/take go bag (unless instructed not to take anything with them… dependent on reason for evacuation.)
  • Lead students to Evacuation location
  • Take roll, account for students
  • Report injuries or problems, to
    using Red Card/ Green Card method.

For Hazard Using a Safety Strategy”


Hazards might include:

  • Tornado
  • Hazmat
  • Earthquake
  • Tsunami

Safety Strategies might include:

  • Evacuate to shelter area
  • Seal the room
  • Drop, cover and hold
  • Get to high ground

Students are trained in:

  • Appropriate Hazards and Safety Strategies

Teachers and staff are trained in:

  • Appropriate Hazards and Safety Strategies
  • Take roll, account for students
  • Report injuries or problems, to using Red Card/ Green Card method.

In Your Classroom”


Students are trained to:

  • Clear the hallways and remain in your room until all clear is an- nounced
  • Do business as usual

Teachers and staff are trained in:

  • Recover students from the hall- way
  • Lock classroom door
  • Take roll, account for students
  • Do business as usual
School operations will only return to normal once the danger has been mitigated and law enforcement has cleared the building. This process will take time and will require patience on the part of all involved to include parents. If necessary, students may be taken to an alternate location for a “Controlled Release.” (See Reunification Process, form and corresponding video presentation)


Father holding son If an emergency occurs that requires students to be removed from a campus, they will be taken to an alternate safe location. Parents will be notified of the alternate location and given instructions about picking up their child.

Remember, students can only be released to a parent, legal guardian, or an adult who is listed as an emergency contact on school records, so be sure to keep that list updated.

Anyone attempting to pick up a student must show proper photo identification.
Please download and fill out reunification card below.


The district communicates with parents in the following ways:

  • School Messenger Phone Call System: AISD will send emergency phone messages to parents and staff members.
  • Email: Parents and staff members will receive email updates.
  • Website: Emergency announcements will be posted on the front page of www.abileneisd.org.
  • Local Media: via Press Release
  • Twitter: We will provide public information directly through our twitter account at www.twitter.com/abilene_isd


  • Be sure your email and phone numbers are up to date at AISD.
  • Be sure to update the contact information for the people who have your permission to pick your children up from school. The information can be updated at your child’s school.
  • Talk to your child about these procedures and let them know that the school has a plan to keep them safe.