Bassetti Elementary is unveiling a Makers Lab this fall.  Scheduled to open for the entire campus in October, the Makers Lab is designed for students to engage in hands-on learning to practice planning, persistence, and problem-solving.  Monthly challenges are posed to students and they will collaborate in small groups to best solve the problem using materials found in the Makers Lab.  Families in the school, faculty and staff, as well as businesses of the Abilene community (Thank you, Arrow Ford!) have all donated the materials in the Lab.  Materials range from every day art supplies, to cardboard boxes, to car parts!

The original idea to create the Bassetti Makers Lab came from a field trip to the Abilene Christian University Makers Lab.  Watching students collaborate, share, and create inspired a group of faculty members to take on the challenge of creating a similar space to be used year-round on an elementary level.  ACU has been a great partner in providing ideas and support as the Bassetti Makers Lab has begun to form.

The Makers Lab lines up with Abilene ISD’s Strategic Plan.  The experiences in the Lab will be relevant and meaningful as students use critical thinking skills to collaborate to find an innovative solution using their personal strengths.  Bassetti Makers look forward to further connections with our community and school district as we invite experts and older students to share their knowledge and passion.  Telling our story to the city of Abilene will allow our community to see the high expectations held for today’s students at Bassetti.

In its early stages, the goal is to have all students visit the Lab for a monthly challenge.  The lessons are prepared and supplies for all classes are set out in advance.  All teachers have to do it enter the Lab and begin explaining the challenge.  Then, as teachers find/share other Maker/STEM activities, classes can go more often.  As the Makers Lab continues to the following years, the goal is to integrate more technology, including coding, using a green screen, computer animation, and 3-D printing.

Please contact us if you would like to visit the Bassetti Makers Lab later this year or early next year.