“Catching ‘Em Being Good”

At Woodson Center for Excellence, every day we celebrate our students by bragging on the great things that they do at school. One way we do this is by writing a personalized “Ram Rah” and placing it on the bulletin board for everyone to see.

This doesn’t always have to be an academic accomplishment. It can be for being respectful, showing kindness to another person, or for helping another student.

At the end of each six weeks, we give the student with the most Ram Rah’s a gift card.

Career Day is a Hit

One of Woodson’s favorite activities each year is Career Day. In fact, this year we will hold a Career Day in the fall and spring semesters. This gives our students the opportunity to visit with many businesses in our community such as Ren-Tech Boiler Systems, Workforce Commission, City of Abilene and Black Plumbing, just to name a few.  In addition, many of the local colleges and universities attend. It has been an awesome experience for our students, and they always look forward to attending and learning what opportunities are available to them.

Students Fight Cancer With Fundraiser

In February, Woodson participated in the “Pasta for Pennies” fundraiser to benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Each class competed to raise the most donations and win a pasta party catered by Olive Garden. As a campus, Woodson collected more than $400 to help fight blood cancers.